Understand your Risk Profile. Manage Threats. Know Impacted Data. Leverage Insight for Targeted Action.
DoubleCheck CSRM provides a structured approach to managing cybersecurity risk, leveraging the guidance of the Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity from NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) or your preferred framework(s). Our tools support the processes, data elements, and analytics that enable you to deliver a well-managed, well-understood, organizationally engaged cybersecurity risk management program.
Know Your Cyber Risk Profile and Gaps
Using the NIST framework or your own, the system provides tools to assess and report on your cybersecurity risk profile, with insights into specific areas of focus for the firm or for individual areas within the firm, including a summary gap analysis and associated details.
Insightful, Reliable Results
With DoubleCheck CSRM, you will know in real-time where you stand. The system captures data in multiple dimensions – from a risk framework point of view, an inventory point of view, a threat point of view, a function point of view and more. That data, and the associated relationships, allow you to confidently see what is happening from multiple perspectives. Associated with the robust data model, the system has a rich set of configurable workflows that allow you to assign the right people and manage every step of the process in a straightforward and efficient manner. Typical workflows manage both performance of a task (such as taking a test, reviewing the test, aggregating the results) and keeping a complete history of who did what, and when – so you will have a reliable process, data that is complete and up to date, and clarity of accountability. There will be no more wondering about status, about who actually did something, or whether that spreadsheet is really reliable. And of course, status is always available in real time. Here’s one example – for a select set of threats, what are their inherent and residual impacts and likelihood. You can see that at a glance, and, by the length of the vectors, understand the relative impacts of the actions taken to mitigate the risks.
Know your Operational Status in an Instant
DoubleCheck CSRM can instantly and accurately provide real time information to understand the status of the cybersecurity risk management program. How complete is the control testing program? How many issues have been identified in testing? What’s the status of the open issues? How many events have we experienced in this period?All these answers are available in real time. Of course, if you need details, just drill in!
Turn Data into Information and Prioritized Action
DoubleCheck’s CSRM platform delivers Business Intelligence (BI) and reporting for all Levels of Management. Our solution includes one of the most advanced Business Intelligence toolsets in the industry providing a powerful set of tools for report building and ad-hoc analysis.
As one example, consider evaluating your overall performance relative to the NIST Framework. In addition to the data from a profile assessment, there can be data from control testing, threat status, actual threat events, issues identified and more. The system can aggregate all that data and then provide an overall status – All Things Considered. Navigation (clicking on cells) provides specific insights into areas of concern and recommended focus.
Interested in where you stand? Contact us about a free, no obligation NIST Profile Assessment!