Once Upon A Time in Cyber Land…From ATM’s to AI and Beyond

I’m old enough to remember a time before ATM’s, cell phones, the internet, and portable computing in any number of form factors. No, there were no dinosaurs stealing my school lunch, and I didn’t learn to write on a clay tablet with a stick (despite what my now grown children might think). But the depth[…]

Addressing the Right Cyber Risk…. An Example

Recently there was a malware attack discovered. “So?”, you might ask?  “There’s always a malware attack of some sort or another being identified, reported and measured for its scope and impact.”  Well, this one was unique in several ways: First, it seemed to target Mac OS, which is a rarity for technical (its UNIX roots)[…]

Exploring Risk Management software: What Separates the Good from the Great – A User’s Perspective

Choosing a risk management platform is an important process.  First, and foremost, companies often think this software must reflect the priorities, practices, and processes of your current operating risk management processes— “model what we do and how we do it”, so to speak.  This can be a fundamental, strategic error. If you are in the[…]

Reporting Risk Assessment Findings… enriching content with context

One of the greatest challenges to managing cyber risk is communications. Often the technologies and tools used to deploy effective countermeasures, monitor activity on networks, and online points of contact between an enterprise and its stakeholders, clients, customers, and partners are described using language uncommon to non-technical audiences. Also lost to those outside cybersecurity and[…]

How Technology Enables Enterprise Risk Management

This is the final blog of a four-part series on ERM from guest blogger Michael Rasmussen of GRC 20/20 Research.   Risk management fails when information is scattered, redundant, non-reliable, and managed as a system of parts that do not integrate and work as a collective whole. The risk management information architecture supports the process architecture[…]

Why Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) is Critical to Modern Business

This is Part One of a four-part blog series on ERM that is from guest blogger Michael Rasmussen of GRC 20/20 Research. Organizations take risks all the time but fail to monitor and manage risk effectively for the enterprise. A cavalier approach to risk-taking results in disaster, providing case studies for future generations on how[…]


DoubleCheck ERM One™

An out-of-the-box tool that delivers an integrated ERM process together with a comprehensive, high-level categorization of exposures (Financial, Core Business, Operational and Strategic), fully loaded with over 60 associated, pre-populated risks to be used as a starting point.