Why Settle For Less? Twenty (20) Elements in a World-Class ERM or GRC Program

A World-Class Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) or Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) program offers numerous benefits to organizations of all sizes and across various industries. Here are 20 key elements needed for the creation of an efficient, effective, and successful program: 1. Mission Statement Purposeful connection of strategy and tactics 2. Framework – Part A[…]

De-Mystifying (and Explaining the Connection Between) Risk-Related Acronyms and Phrases

One acronym after another. An ice cream headache, for sure, trying to understand the similarities, differences and connectivity between all these terms. You need to do it, however. Simplify, simplify, simplify. Break it down and truly comprehend everything. Get ready for the proverbial elevator speech, if the need for one materializes. Toward that goal, here[…]

Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) – Pursuing the “Ideal” Frame of Reference

When it comes to any discussion involving the acronym GRC (Governance, Risk and Compliance), understanding the speaker’s frame of reference is paramount. From a vendor’s perspective, GRC refers to an automated suite of capabilities designed to address a broad range of challenges associated with critical disciplines managed by the client (e.g. compliance, risk management, audit,[…]


Harvesting Information From GRC Data—The Promise of Business Intelligence Tools

Thirty-five years ago, my first article was published in a professional journal. It was the outgrowth of a talk I gave at a business conference on the use of computer generated graphical information reporting. In 1987 those technologies were in their infancy. Computerized business graphics, pie, line, and bar charts, generated using desktop systems and[…]

When Comes December; Tailoring Your GRC Programs For The Coming Year

December brings more to our days than images of bright lights, holiday cheer, family gatherings, and for some, maybe a sprinkling of snow. In our work-realm of business and cyber risk management, it’s a time for reflection, refinement, and preparation for the year to come. Unless your business is retail or related, and you’re panting[…]

Summertime, And The Cyber Risk Is Easy…

Summertime, and the living is, once again, easy—sort of. Just a few summers ago these were the days of occasional remote work, long weekends, holidays, vacations, and for some companies, shortened “summer hours”. As our work routines have made the separation of office, work, and personal time a fluid continuum, our risk perimeter and footprint[…]

Integrating Audit and Cyber Risk Management Processes to Address AI Risks

Audit and risk management are really two perspectives or “flavors” of the same measurement and inspection processes. In blogs of October and November 2018, I’ve discussed some of the key aspects of these processes and offered some arguments for the benefit of their integration to offer executive management a sharper picture of their true risk[…]

Applying NIST Standards to Managing Cyber Risk and Regulatory Compliance

In our last blog, we explored the content and value of the New York State Department Of Financial Services 23 NYCRR 500; Cybersecurity Requirements For Financial Services Companies. In this article, we’ll explore how the application of a framework like NIST 800-53, or the NIST Cybersecurity Framework helps structure and achieve strong compliance with regulations[…]

Once Upon A Time in Cyber Land…From ATM’s to AI and Beyond

I’m old enough to remember a time before ATM’s, cell phones, the internet, and portable computing in any number of form factors. No, there were no dinosaurs stealing my school lunch, and I didn’t learn to write on a clay tablet with a stick (despite what my now grown children might think). But the depth[…]

Addressing the Right Cyber Risk…. An Example

Recently there was a malware attack discovered. “So?”, you might ask?  “There’s always a malware attack of some sort or another being identified, reported and measured for its scope and impact.”  Well, this one was unique in several ways: First, it seemed to target Mac OS, which is a rarity for technical (its UNIX roots)[…]

DoubleCheck ERM One™

An out-of-the-box tool that delivers an integrated ERM process together with a comprehensive, high-level categorization of exposures (Financial, Core Business, Operational and Strategic), fully loaded with over 60 associated, pre-populated risks to be used as a starting point.