Management of Your Software Supply Chain—A Hidden TPRM Vulnerability For All

If your company relies upon software from any third party, (and frankly today is there any organization that doesn’t) there is a third-party risk out there you are probably ignoring.  It’s unlikely you wrote your own internet browser, or email system, word processor, or spreadsheet programs, or network management systems.  It’s equally unlikely you are[…]

Examining Your Third Party Risk Management Processes – The Weakest Link

Third Party Risk Management (TPRM) is often viewed as a linear process.  This is a misunderstanding of the actions that in total represent the processes involved.  First, it’s a continuous system, renewing itself in different cycles and frequencies, depending upon the risk level of the third party’s service, and the practices of procurement; second, its[…]

Walk Down Sidewalk, With Caution And Diligence

Amazon Sidewalk is coming to your home, if your home contains smart devices relying on wi-fi and Bluetooth for network services. And if your company’s cyber risk footprint extends to a remote workforce located in homes and apartments with smart IoT devices like Ring and Echo, you have some work to do to assure you[…]

Approaching Year End And Evaluating Your Cyber Risk Program

The last few weeks of each year often bring time for reflection, evaluation, and planning to set the start of each new calendar off on strong footings with clear direction. Taking time to evaluate your cyber risk program honestly, using evidence and achievement to support your review,  represents a step toward greater program maturity and[…]

Smart Home Cyber Risks to Operational Technology and Your Cloud Enriched Enterprise

Smart technologies’ home presence grows with each passing day. The work-from-home (WFH) migrations for many workers seeking convenience while coping with “covid-19 encouraged isolation” have spurred this transformation to new levels of ready adoption. Smart thermostats, lights, home security cameras, front doorbells, automobile integration, automated window shades and curtains, TV’s and more, all managed through[…]

Query or Consequences; When Third Party Risk Management (TPRM) Goes Awry

Over a number of past articles, we’ve explored the why, what, and how of Third Party Risk Management (TPRM). Looking back there’s much to review about the nature of the processes and methods that help companies understand the risks associated with partner, supplier, provider, and even inspector relationships. Some provide key services, some backup resources[…]

Making Third Party Risk Management Scalable, Efficient, Accurate, and Affordable

In prior articles we’ve explored why third-party risk management (TPRM) is an essential part of comprehensive risk management, and what steps need to be taken to assemble and execute an effective TPRM process. In this article, we’ll explore approaches to make those steps scalable and efficient without sacrificing quality, all while managing overall associated costs.[…]

The Six Basic Steps To Effective Third Party Risk Management (TPRM)

Managing third party risk is a primary component of any comprehensive risk management program. Without it, you ignore important external processes, resources, commitments and opportunities that may have specific, critical impacts upon your operating performance, regulatory and legal compliance, and brand reputation. In past discussions, we’ve explored what functions need to be performed to effectively[…]

Revisiting The Value In Risk Management—Why Bother Now?

There are so many challenges facing businesses today as we all focus upon sustaining demand, revenue, and operating infrastructure while confronting new paradigms for staff retention, safety, and service delivery. Technologies we may have just begun to touch like mobile device management, cloud-based infrastructure and remote, digital client services, may suddenly be existential realities needed[…]

Ransomware: An Existential Threat To Remote Organizations! What Actions To Take To Mitigate Risk

Ransomware is a category of malware that infects your systems, encrypts your files and data, then threatens to destroy or publish this confidential material unless a ransom is paid for the decryption keys, usually requiring electronic deposits to some anonymous account. It has been around for decades. It’s made the headlines when large corporations, municipalities,[…]


DoubleCheck ERM One™

An out-of-the-box tool that delivers an integrated ERM process together with a comprehensive, high-level categorization of exposures (Financial, Core Business, Operational and Strategic), fully loaded with over 60 associated, pre-populated risks to be used as a starting point.